YES Abroad

"The Kennedy-Lugar YES Abroad program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is offering American high school students and recent graduates in the U.S. full scholarships for up to one academic year to live and study abroad in countries with significant Muslim populations. Scholarships cover expenses for program fees, pre-departure and arrival orientations in Washington DC, secondary health insurance, and ensure careful placement with host families that, like you, are eager to share themselves with the world.

The countries that students will be sent to this year are:

Bosnia & Herzegovina | Egypt | Ghana | India | Indonesia | Mali (semester only)
Malaysia | Morocco | Oman | Thailand | Turkey
Like the YES inbound program, students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about the host country’s society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate others about American culture while learning about their host country’s culture. During the 2012-2013 school year, 55 American students will travel overseas.

Upon their return the students will apply their leadership skills in the United States. In addition, alumni groups will help participants continue to be involved with many community service activities including: clothing drives, mentoring younger children, and much more."
-YES Abroad Website

My first post should explain the YES program fairly well too.  However, I figured I would give you this straight from the source.

While YES Abroad is funding my exchange, I am going through the program AFS.
Their Turkey program:
Students' blogs:

If you are interested in exchange, check them out!  Also look into CBYX (Germany) and NSLI-Y (critical language learning program).